Sunday, May 31, 2009

Diamondbacks Game

Today we went to the Diamondbacks game with our friends the Flint's. This was Natalie's second game ever, but the first for Jackson & Alexis. We started the day by getting Natalie's face painted, which we have never done before. It actually lasted the whole day! During the 4th inning we took the kids over to see Baxter the Diamondback's mascot. Natalie & Jackson were very excited to see him until it was our turn to get pictures. Natalie was ok as long as she wasn’t next to Baxter, but Jackson didn’t want to see him. They opened a kid’s playground with slides so we took them up there next. We finally got back to our seats to watch more of the game! Alexis was a great baby and such a trooper...I don’t think she cried once! On Sundays after the game they let the kids run the bases so it was awesome to be able to go onto the field. Natalie started off great, but then she got dirt in her shoes so she walked the rest of the way. We had a great day & we definitely want to do it again this season.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Long Month of May

May was a long and stressful month for us! Let's start with Natalie..

Her surgery went very well and it was easy to keep her calm the first day & a half, but after that I spent my time making sure she wasn’t running, jumping, climbing, etc. That was hard to do for a 4 year old!!! It has now been almost 3 weeks and she is back to normal. Her belly button looks great and we got to go swimming again last weekend since it had been 2 weeks. She had her end of the year school party on Friday May 15th. Each class put on a performance and her class sang 2 songs. Natalie actually sang the songs and did the movements that went with them. She had fun at the party but since it was the same week of the surgery we had to keep a close eye on her to make sure she was taking it easy. The last day of school was Wed. May 20th and her class had a pizza party. Each student got a certificate and the kids had fun playing with each other one last time before the start of summer.

Getting ready to perform

Singing her song

With her teacher Ms. Wendy

Getting her certificate

The whole class with Ms. Wendy

An Alexis update...

At the beginning of May we had Alexis' 9 month check up. At the time of the appointment she had lost weight from her 6 month appt (she only weighs 14 lbs 12 oz now), she couldn’t sit up on her own, couldn’t crawl and didn’t want to bear weight on her legs. At the appointment the doctor told us he was going to have someone to come out to evaluate her because he was concerned about her physical development. Thankfully, all of her mental developments are on track. He also wanted us to try to fatten her up so over the past month we have been feeding her a lot. I have also been trying to get her on formula, but that has not gone well at all. Of course a few days after the appointment she started sitting up on her own & army crawling. I guess she just needed us to be freaked out to show off what she can do! Now she is all over the house crawling after me. A week after the appt she also started to bear weight on her legs. So the week of Natalie's surgery we get a call from the people the doctor called to evaluate the baby. We find out that they are from Cerebral Palsy of Arizona. So of course I start stressing thinking the doctor thinks Alexis was showing signs of this! They couldn't come out for about a week & a half so I was going out of my mind watching every move Alexis made wondering if there was something wrong. It wouldn’t make us love her any less, but I wanted to know what was going on with my baby. The evaluator came out end of last week, asked a lot of questions and had Alexis do lots of exercises to see what she can do (THANKS Erin for watching Natalie during this so I could focus on Alexis). Once the evaluator went through her paperwork she determined Alexis is a bit behind for babies her age, but not showing signs of a disability at this point. The only thing they would like to see her doing at this point is crawling up to something and pulling her self up. They said if she is not doing this the month after her 1st birthday to call and they will come evaluate her again. We were very relieved to have this over with and I felt like I could breathe again! Alexis is a really good baby and LOVES watching Natalie.

We are glad the month of May is coming to an end and are looking forward the the adventures of the summer!

Memorial Day Fun

Since both of our husbands worked on Memorial Day, Erin, the girls & Garrett came over to play. She brought a pool & a slip & slide. The girls had a great time playing in the water while the babies took naps. Everyday since Monday Natalie has played with the slip & slide!

We hope everyone had a fun Memorial Day!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Natalie's Surgery

Today was Natalie's surgery on her umbilical hernia. We had to be at the hospital at 6:30 am and the surgery was scheduled for 8:30 am. Natalie was really apprehensive when we 1st got there and were waiting to go up the the surgical floor. We had never had any experience with the hospital Banner Thunderbird, but they were great. The nurses we had were VERY kid friendly and after spending 10 mins with them Natalie was at ease. When they brought her back to put her under the nurse came out telling us she had them all laughing. The surgery took about 30 mins and after about 15 mins we were brought back to see her. She was still out, but they told us she had started stirring. She woke up a couple of time saying her tummy hurt so they gave her some pain meds. Finally at about 10:15 she was wake enough to get changed into her PJs and we took her home. Since we have been home she hasn't left the couch--I don't remember the last time she has stayed in one place for that long! They told us because of the tube down her throat she would be a bit sore so she could have popsicles or ice cream. Natalie has been loving that! Natalie's friend Lexi stopped by for a few mins after school to bring her a chocolate puppy. Erin had all the kids in Nat's class sign a get well card for cute! Thanks Erin for thinking of our Nat!!

We are so proud of Natalie today..she was so brave & acted like such a big girl! It was really hard on us since this was the first time she had ever been put under so we are happy it is over!

Mother's Day

Yesterday I had a really nice Mother's day. It started by me sleeping in!! That was the best gift! Then we had a relaxing day by the pool at Susan's house. Susan & Corky were in Bullhead so it was just the 4 of us spending the day together. Natalie of course was swimming around like the fish she is & Alexis did really well....until we put her under. We are just trying to get her ready to keep up with her sis! Because of all the swimming Natalie & Alexis were sleeping by 7ish. Bryan then went grocery shopping so I didn't have to worry about it during the week. Thanks for a great day Bryan & my girls!