Friday, October 3, 2008

Hooray for cooler weather!!!

So it only got up to 90 degress today and it felt great! It was awesome to let Natalie play in the backyard for more than 5 minutes before making her come back inside. Since we were having fun kicking a ball around and using her slide I put Alexis in her bouncer so she could hang out with us. Of course I had to take some cute pics of the girls.

We hope you all enjoyed today's weather as much as we did!!


Alvarado Family said...

Your girls are adorable!! Isn't it funny how some days they like each other and then other days they are so jealous of each other?!?! The teenage years should be fun :)

Unknown said...

Haha, "only got up to 90 degrees." Oh Phoenix, how I alternately miss you and think you are an insane place to live. :) Glad you guys are getting some relief out there... on the flip side we're getting ominously close to the lockdown season around here...