Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Holy Bees!

So the story of the day surrounds the home my dad is building. It just finished framing last month and had the exterior stucco put on a few weeks ago. Just after that we noticed a few bees near the roof above the front door area. They were going into a quarter sized hole near where the roof line meets the parapet. We didn't think that much of it. In fact my Dad was having my brother attempt to spray the few bees we saw for a few days in a row with some bee killer spray from Home Depot to see if we could get rid of them. It seemed to work at first, but the bees kept coming back. So today my brother called a bee keeper out to the house to take a look and see if they could get rid of the bees. The guy went onto the roof and hit the parapet with a small sledge hammer to open the hole and see how bad the issue was. As soon as he did that hundreds of bees swarmed out of the hole. The bee keeper was okay in his suit, but my brother was about 50 feet away and the bees went after him. Apparently what we thought was a small bee issue was a hive that had grown to 10,000 plus bees. They were also the aggressive Africanized Bees. Matt was stung about 10 times has he jumped off the roof and ran to the street into his truck. The other workers followed suit. There were so many bees it looked like a black cloud above the home. The bee keeper ended up pulling 50 pounds of honey comb and honey from the wall! He also found and killed a queen been which was 3 to 4 inches long! I couldn't believe it..that was like something you'd hear about in the news!


Baird Family said...

Wow, thats Scary. Is your brother ok from the bee stings?

Bryan said...

Yeah, Matt is okay...I think it just freaked him out more than anything