Sunday, May 31, 2009

Diamondbacks Game

Today we went to the Diamondbacks game with our friends the Flint's. This was Natalie's second game ever, but the first for Jackson & Alexis. We started the day by getting Natalie's face painted, which we have never done before. It actually lasted the whole day! During the 4th inning we took the kids over to see Baxter the Diamondback's mascot. Natalie & Jackson were very excited to see him until it was our turn to get pictures. Natalie was ok as long as she wasn’t next to Baxter, but Jackson didn’t want to see him. They opened a kid’s playground with slides so we took them up there next. We finally got back to our seats to watch more of the game! Alexis was a great baby and such a trooper...I don’t think she cried once! On Sundays after the game they let the kids run the bases so it was awesome to be able to go onto the field. Natalie started off great, but then she got dirt in her shoes so she walked the rest of the way. We had a great day & we definitely want to do it again this season.

1 comment:

Christine said...

so FUN! We will have to tag along to the next game! :)