Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Yesterday I had a really nice Mother's day. It started by me sleeping in!! That was the best gift! Then we had a relaxing day by the pool at Susan's house. Susan & Corky were in Bullhead so it was just the 4 of us spending the day together. Natalie of course was swimming around like the fish she is & Alexis did really well....until we put her under. We are just trying to get her ready to keep up with her sis! Because of all the swimming Natalie & Alexis were sleeping by 7ish. Bryan then went grocery shopping so I didn't have to worry about it during the week. Thanks for a great day Bryan & my girls!

1 comment:

The Palmisano Gang said...

I knew since you had some down "Nat time" that you would blog!!! LOL! Love the pictures! Most of all Love you guys! Get better Nat Nat!!!